12 March 2013

I'm Still Alive

Hello there!

I am terribly sorry for not posting very much at all. It's been over a month since I last posted! Oh dear...

So what have I been doing in the last month?
Well I have my GCSEs in May and June so I have been working hard for those. My art piece has to be completed the week we go back to school after the Easter holidays. I am not ready for that yet at all! Lots of work to do in preparation! I also have lots of deadlines to meet for coursework and handing in revision work. In fact, I am one of a group of 7 from my English class who have been chosen to participate in an exercise for moderation of our speaking and listening marks. Oh and on Thursday I have my French oral at 2pm. I get excused from art for that at least!
I've also had to go home from school due to illness twice, which is really not like me. I've taken today off in fact after coming home early yesterday which is why I'm getting the chance to blog now.

Valentine's this year was brilliant for me. It was the first year I haven't been single and my sweetheart boyfriend, Jack, was so lovely to me and got me a big teddy bear (which I do sleep with every night now. I don't care if I'm 'too old' to sleep with a teddy!), a box of chocolates and a bunch of red roses which lasted very well, almost a month!, I only had to put them in the bin a couple of days ago.

And exciting news! On the 13th of February I got a puppy! I was so excited! I've wanted a puppy for as long as I can remember, but my mum has had a fear of animals since she was a little girl so I was never allowed a dog, and I have a cat so my parents used that as an excuse for no dog. My dad grew up with dogs though, German shepherds, and he missed having a dog. Friends of ours have 4 huskies (well, now 7 as they're keeping 3 of 4 puppies) and we went to visit them when they were just 3 weeks old. Both my parents and I fell in love with them all! I was utterly surprised when my dad said that I could get one of the puppies! So I picked the little white male as he had constantly crawled over to me and climbed up onto my knees (I was sitting on the floor). We had to wait until he was 6 weeks old, old enough to leave his mum, to bring him home. So a month ago we brought home a little white puppy which Jack and I had decided to name Ghost (Game of Thrones reference). My has he grown so much in that month!

He's a pure white husky puppy with light grey eyes. He is pure bred, but I don't care about blood lines, he's such a gentle, caring and intuitive little dog.

So what have you been doing in the last month? Anything exciting? Are any of you preparing for exams too?

The Little Ghost