19 May 2013

Hello Dear Readers!

Hello there,

Just a quick little update to let you know what's going on in my life, if you would like to know.

I've done my first 2 GCSEs, French listening and R.E. They both went alright so not a bad start. 1 week down, 5 to go, eugh. But at least next week (the week starting 27th) I have no exams at all. Yay! The Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be going to the caravan with my parents and boyfriend so if the weather is warm, like it should be in May, I shall be spending those days on the beach in a swim suit tanning (don't worry, I won't forget my sun cream!)

I mentioned how the weather SHOULD be in May. Northern Ireland apparently has other plans. It has spent the wholw month raining. I think raining might be an understatement. It's been raining so much that people have been making jokes about building arcs. My back garden is mostly flooded (although it holds water anyway. Crappy draining out there for some reason), I feel sorry for my dog when he's out there. He seems to love it though, but he always ends up filthy.

Also, I got Wattpad. My username on it is LittleGhostFreak if you want to know. I'm planning on starting writing something loosely based on the BBC's Sherlock and Elementary (the U.S. version). Yes, in the middle of my GCSEs. I know that's a bit of a silly idea but oh well. It'll just be slow moving for now so you shall have to bare with me as updates will be slow. When I put up the first chapter I shall write here and let you know so you can go and have a look if you'd like.

To any of my readers who are currently taking GCSEs, A levels or uni exams, good luck!

And with that I shall end this post here.

The Little Ghost

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