21 April 2013

Another Unoriginal Blog Post Title

Well hello there,

I am awfully sorry about the lack of activity from me, but with all these fun things called GCSEs life is a bit hectic. All I seem to be doing is homework, coursework and then trying to fit in a bit of revision. Then to keep me sane I try to meet up with Jack at least every other weekend for several hours.

Without boring you with details of my life I'll give you a quick update:
  • My puppy is doing brilliant, he's very well behaved and will sit, give each paw and lie down when asked
  • It's Jacks birthday in exactly one week and half of his present hasn't arrived yet so I'm a little anxious about that because it was the part I want to give him most. As long as it gets here eventually!
  • I get off on study leave in 3 weeks! Eeek!
  • I am currently undecided on whether I'm going to dye my hair when I get off on study leave or leave it until after my last exam. (Also, trying to talk my mum into dying her hair purple too, hehe. It's not going well.)
  • All I seem to be doing right now is art coursework -_- actually, I'm meant to be doing it now.... Oh well, I'll finish it after.
I think that's it really. I'll dedicate another post to the things I want to do this summer after my exams. It's not that there's so many things, I just dont like doing overtly long posts. If I get bored reading long osts then you probably do to. However, I don't mind reading 2 or 3 slightly shorter posts.
Yes, I have my very own brand of logic, don't judge.... :P

Oh, and they tried to make us write a CV for ourselves in school on Friday. It kinda failed.... No one knew how to write one and we didn't really have anything to write on them either apart from predicted GCSE grades and if we had done DoE or had any grades in an instrument. Just as well I'm looking for a job this summer! I do plan on hopefully starting to teach piano in January though.

Ok, I'll shut up now.... I shall give you another post later on, a 'summer 2013 bucket list'. Or something to that effect. I'm so original aren't I? Ok shutting up now. Bye.

The Little Ghost