25 June 2013

Good Times and Bad Times

Hello there everyone!

I really do apologise for not blogging in a month! But I have been rather busy with GCSEs and, as the title suggests, there's been some not so good stuff happening recently.

The bad things first I think, I like to end on a high note.
Firstly, exams: yuck, no one likes them. To anyone who still has exams going on, good luck! You have nothing to worry about though, you'll do great! c:

Secondly, sadly, my puppy died a little over a week ago. He was only 5 and a half months old.
He'd been coughing and everyone thought it was kennel cough so the vet prescribed medication and he seemed to ge better for a while but then got worse again. When it still wasn't clearing up after 3 weeks (it can take up to 6 weeks to clear up completely but Ghost wasn't improving at all really) the vet decided to keep him in to do blood tests and X-ray his lungs. They still didn't know what was wrong. Then they decided to X-ray his stomach and also did a barium meal test and ultrasounds and things. They then saw that he had a growth pushing his stomach up out of place and without going into the whole explanation, this was causing the cough. The only thing that the vet could do was operate. So two Fridays ago (the 15th), she operated. When she opened him up she found that he had tumors all through his intestines and around his stomach. It was cancer and there wasn't anything that anyone could have done. So we all knew the kindest thing was to just put him to sleep. At least he was never in pain and he never suffered.

I don't want to dwell on sadness so on to happier things I think.
My last exam was yesterday! Yay! I'm so glad that they're done! I can officially relax and enjoy summer now. If it ever stops raining!

Also, I might be starting a little online store this Autumn/Winter, selling dreamcatchers, maybe some jewellery/accessories and things which I will make. I'm going to be busy making things all summer for a charity event that my mum is going to host to raise money for cancer reasearch/aid/support so I'll see how well that goes first.

Oh and we've decided to go and see some puppies next week so we might have another puppy about mid to late July which I'm excited about because I'd like to be able to give another dog a good home and a happy life like Ghost had, even though he was only with us for 4 months.

So would any of you guys be interested in buying handmade dreamcatchers/jewellery? And do you have any suggestions for other things that I could make?

The Little Ghost

22 May 2013


Hi there,

I just thought I would pose a question to you all. Is there anything you would really like to see/see more of on the blog?

Now, I'll just make it clear that I won't be able to do everything that everyone asks me, I'm not going to change my blog to try to suit everyone. It is my blog after all, and I could never please everyone. But I would like to hear your comments and suggestions and I'll certainly take them all into account.

So what would you like to see? Makeup reviews/outfit posts/hair 'how-to's/shoes/something else?

All suggestions are welcome! I can't wait to hear from you.

The Little Ghost

Readers? Hello?

Hello there,

I just wanted to do a quick little post, without sounding rude, to ask if there's anyone reading this?

Yes the stats show that the blog gets views, but is there anyone who actually reads my posts instead of just skipping along to the next blog that might appear?

The reason I ask is this: none of you ever talk to me. I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of my posts, but I rarely get any feedback from anyone!

So if you wouldn't mind, could you please take a moment to leave me a little comment, even if all you say is 'hi'? I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you, lovely readers.

The Little Ghost

20 May 2013

The Lady Detective

I finally got my first chapter finished and posted on Wattpad! I'm so excited! The first post is just a quick little author's note, then the second post is the first chapter. Click here if you'd like to take a look.

It'd really mean a lot to me if you could have a quick little read, it's not too long, I promise. And if you could possibly leave me a comment, either on here or on Wattpad, telling me what you think of it then that would be brilliant. Thank you!

The Little Ghost

English Exam Today!


I've sort of decided that I'm going to do more shorter posts about anything that has happened during my day/week and post much more often. Plus, I'm on my laptop more now to write my story/check my school email/look up revision resources/etc.

Well today I had my English literature unit 1 exam, a study of prose. My class has studied 'To Kill A Mockingbird' so that's what my essay was on. I won't go into details as I'm pretty sure we probably aren't allowed to do that. Maybe we are, who knows. But I won't bore you with details about it anyways. All I will say is that once I got into it, I was quite happy with the question and content with my completed essay. The extract for the question I chose (we could pick a or b) was very helpful in getting me started on thinking of an answer. Especially as I couldn't think of much that I could've said for the non-extract question!

Well I'm glad that it's done, my next English exam is on Thursday, 'Juno and the Paycock' and poetry. I have Additional Maths exams tomorrow and Friday too. At least I don't have to get up early to get ready to go to school until the start of June as the rest of my exams this week start at 1:30pm and then next week I don't have any at all. Yay!

In other news, I'm well into the first chapter of my book for Wattpad and should be posting it later this evening hopefully! I better go and get writing, I have a past paper to do as revision for my exam tomorrow as well. Wish me luck! And to anyone doing exams now or soon, good luck with them!!!

The Little Ghost

19 May 2013

Hello Dear Readers!

Hello there,

Just a quick little update to let you know what's going on in my life, if you would like to know.

I've done my first 2 GCSEs, French listening and R.E. They both went alright so not a bad start. 1 week down, 5 to go, eugh. But at least next week (the week starting 27th) I have no exams at all. Yay! The Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be going to the caravan with my parents and boyfriend so if the weather is warm, like it should be in May, I shall be spending those days on the beach in a swim suit tanning (don't worry, I won't forget my sun cream!)

I mentioned how the weather SHOULD be in May. Northern Ireland apparently has other plans. It has spent the wholw month raining. I think raining might be an understatement. It's been raining so much that people have been making jokes about building arcs. My back garden is mostly flooded (although it holds water anyway. Crappy draining out there for some reason), I feel sorry for my dog when he's out there. He seems to love it though, but he always ends up filthy.

Also, I got Wattpad. My username on it is LittleGhostFreak if you want to know. I'm planning on starting writing something loosely based on the BBC's Sherlock and Elementary (the U.S. version). Yes, in the middle of my GCSEs. I know that's a bit of a silly idea but oh well. It'll just be slow moving for now so you shall have to bare with me as updates will be slow. When I put up the first chapter I shall write here and let you know so you can go and have a look if you'd like.

To any of my readers who are currently taking GCSEs, A levels or uni exams, good luck!

And with that I shall end this post here.

The Little Ghost

13 May 2013

I Haven't Forgotten About You! I Promise!

Hello there lovely readers!

I am awfully sorry for my horrendous lack of posts! It's just I'm kind of in the middle of these terrible things called GCSEs at the moment. They started today with a French listening exam. It was dreadful. But I am not intending to bore you with details of GCSEs.

I want to buy a kimono. Do any of you own a kimono? Or are there any you have spotted and are loving? I'd love to know! ALso, I'm really wanting the Soap & Glory 'Man Trap' lipstick. What's your opinion on the Soap & Glory lipsticks? And their other cosmetics? (I have some of their bath stuff, it's amaze!) I'm also wanting to buy some skirts and dresses for summer. But no money. Would love to get a job but I'd have very little time due to school and homeworks and then over summer my mum will want to be going to the caravan a lot.

Ooh and don't you think Gem's column in Company is just fab? I'm now making sure to buy Company every month especially for her column! (Although I was already an avid reader of Company. I also love Cosmopolitan.)

There was a very special birthday today, my two best friends (yes, twins) turned 16 today. So happy 16th birthday to Emelye and Eleanor!! Love them both like sisters.

I think I'll leave this post here. If you're lucky you might get another post tonight. Maybe.

The Little Ghost

21 April 2013

Another Unoriginal Blog Post Title

Well hello there,

I am awfully sorry about the lack of activity from me, but with all these fun things called GCSEs life is a bit hectic. All I seem to be doing is homework, coursework and then trying to fit in a bit of revision. Then to keep me sane I try to meet up with Jack at least every other weekend for several hours.

Without boring you with details of my life I'll give you a quick update:
  • My puppy is doing brilliant, he's very well behaved and will sit, give each paw and lie down when asked
  • It's Jacks birthday in exactly one week and half of his present hasn't arrived yet so I'm a little anxious about that because it was the part I want to give him most. As long as it gets here eventually!
  • I get off on study leave in 3 weeks! Eeek!
  • I am currently undecided on whether I'm going to dye my hair when I get off on study leave or leave it until after my last exam. (Also, trying to talk my mum into dying her hair purple too, hehe. It's not going well.)
  • All I seem to be doing right now is art coursework -_- actually, I'm meant to be doing it now.... Oh well, I'll finish it after.
I think that's it really. I'll dedicate another post to the things I want to do this summer after my exams. It's not that there's so many things, I just dont like doing overtly long posts. If I get bored reading long osts then you probably do to. However, I don't mind reading 2 or 3 slightly shorter posts.
Yes, I have my very own brand of logic, don't judge.... :P

Oh, and they tried to make us write a CV for ourselves in school on Friday. It kinda failed.... No one knew how to write one and we didn't really have anything to write on them either apart from predicted GCSE grades and if we had done DoE or had any grades in an instrument. Just as well I'm looking for a job this summer! I do plan on hopefully starting to teach piano in January though.

Ok, I'll shut up now.... I shall give you another post later on, a 'summer 2013 bucket list'. Or something to that effect. I'm so original aren't I? Ok shutting up now. Bye.

The Little Ghost

12 March 2013

I'm Still Alive

Hello there!

I am terribly sorry for not posting very much at all. It's been over a month since I last posted! Oh dear...

So what have I been doing in the last month?
Well I have my GCSEs in May and June so I have been working hard for those. My art piece has to be completed the week we go back to school after the Easter holidays. I am not ready for that yet at all! Lots of work to do in preparation! I also have lots of deadlines to meet for coursework and handing in revision work. In fact, I am one of a group of 7 from my English class who have been chosen to participate in an exercise for moderation of our speaking and listening marks. Oh and on Thursday I have my French oral at 2pm. I get excused from art for that at least!
I've also had to go home from school due to illness twice, which is really not like me. I've taken today off in fact after coming home early yesterday which is why I'm getting the chance to blog now.

Valentine's this year was brilliant for me. It was the first year I haven't been single and my sweetheart boyfriend, Jack, was so lovely to me and got me a big teddy bear (which I do sleep with every night now. I don't care if I'm 'too old' to sleep with a teddy!), a box of chocolates and a bunch of red roses which lasted very well, almost a month!, I only had to put them in the bin a couple of days ago.

And exciting news! On the 13th of February I got a puppy! I was so excited! I've wanted a puppy for as long as I can remember, but my mum has had a fear of animals since she was a little girl so I was never allowed a dog, and I have a cat so my parents used that as an excuse for no dog. My dad grew up with dogs though, German shepherds, and he missed having a dog. Friends of ours have 4 huskies (well, now 7 as they're keeping 3 of 4 puppies) and we went to visit them when they were just 3 weeks old. Both my parents and I fell in love with them all! I was utterly surprised when my dad said that I could get one of the puppies! So I picked the little white male as he had constantly crawled over to me and climbed up onto my knees (I was sitting on the floor). We had to wait until he was 6 weeks old, old enough to leave his mum, to bring him home. So a month ago we brought home a little white puppy which Jack and I had decided to name Ghost (Game of Thrones reference). My has he grown so much in that month!

He's a pure white husky puppy with light grey eyes. He is pure bred, but I don't care about blood lines, he's such a gentle, caring and intuitive little dog.

So what have you been doing in the last month? Anything exciting? Are any of you preparing for exams too?

The Little Ghost

4 February 2013

Valentine's Day


It's only 10 days to Valentine's Day, I'm usually super organised and would have loads planned already but the last year or so I've just been more laid back and taking each day as it comes. As a result, I've not actually gotten anything more than a card for Jack, my boyfriend, so far.

I won't talk about my own plans for the 14th and the following weekend, the 14th is a Thursday and school (>_<) , as Jack usually reads this little blog and I wouldn't want to ruin any planned surprises.
I will, however, give you some general ideas that you could do for your other half (or yourself, or even just with your friends) this Valentine's.

1.) Breakfast in bed
It's lovely to be brought your favourite breakfast in bed when you wake up. My personal favourite has got to be pancakes with thick Greek yogurt, maple syrup and fresh fruit with some nice fruit juice or a cup of tea. You could also make a nice pink/red smoothie using your favourite fruit combinations, I'd suggest banana, strawberry and blueberry. As long as you have plenty of strawberries or raspberries (or both!), or another red fruit, in your smoothie you'll get a lovely pinky red colour - perfect for Valentine's Day.

2.) A walk and a picnic
If you're lucky enough to live somewhere that gets nice dry weather in February (I'm jealous of you) then why not take a walk and have a picnic somewhere, maybe to your favourite place or to where you first met/had your first kiss together/got engaged. It's a nice chance to just talk and forget about any worries you may have. (And it makes for good exercise.)

3.) Bake together
If you both enjoy baking (or at least eating buns/biscuits!) then baking together can be great fun and you (might) have some tasty treats to eat afterwards. You could make some heart shaped biscuits with pink and red icing on top or some pink cupcakes.

4.) Watch a movie together
Pick your favourite movies, curl up together and get comfy and spend the day watching each others favourite movies. Sometimes it's nice to simply just be in the company of your loved one.

5.) Treat each other
Give your other half a massage, feed them fruit, take them out to dinner/make them dinner, run them a bubble bath, or anything else you know they enjoy. It's nice to know that your other half cares for you and loves you and it's nice to be able to relax together.

That's all the ideas that I have at the moment. What are you planning on doing this Valentine's Day?

The Little Ghost

Back Again!

Hello there my dear readers!

I do apologise for the complete lack of posts. I've had exams and I'm currently a bit ill. I promise I'll try to post more regularly though.

On a brighter note, I am super excited because my parents are getting me a puppy! He's a pure white Siberian husky and his name is Ghost. It was actually my lovely boyfriend who named him, he thought it's be adorable for my puppy to be his little ghost's little Ghost (as you already know he calls me his little ghost). And yes, he admitted that it is also a Game of Thrones reference. I think that Ghost is such a perfect name for a pure white husky though.

I get to bring him home on the 13th of this month when he will be 6 weeks old. I cannot wait! We've already bought everything he will need, leads collars, a kennel, a bed, bowls, brushes, toys, etc.

We (my parents, my boyfriend and I) went to visit him last night, it's friends of ours who own the parents of the litter, and he is just the cutest little puppy ever! We had gone up to see the pups about 10 days ago (before my parents decided that we would get a dog) and flip he's grown so much more than I'd expected! My dad had lots of dogs when he was younger and I know several people who have had dogs so I was expecting Ghost to have grown a lot but he shocked both me and my dad at just how much he had grown.

Expect lots of photos when I get him! He's absolutely adorable!

Ghost, all chilled out

Ghost with one of his sisters, snuggled up fast asleep

I would quite happily take all four of the puppies home, but I'm only allowed one. Although, in reality I wouldn't actually want to keep all four puppies because I know I couldn't look after four dogs properly, it wouldn't be fair on them. I'm perfectly happy with just the one, along with my cat, who i can spend much more time caring for.

Do you have any pets? Or any tips for me for games I could play with my puppy?

The Little Ghost

14 January 2013

Lipstick: My New Best Friend

"A woman's first job is to chose the right shade of lipstick."
                                                                  - Carole Lombard

I never really liked lipstick, when some ladies wouldn't go out without their lipstick it was a bit of eyeliner I always put on.
But I have been making a slow transformation to being a lipstick wearer. I started to wear a bit of red lipstick (relatively dark, nothing bright) if I was going out to dinner or to a wedding or other event. Although it was rare that I would wear any at all. Now, after receiving several lipsticks at Christmas it has become quite natural for me to put a quick coat of lipstick on when I'm doing my makeup, something I wouldn't have done before.

Just a couple of my lipsticks

I've been wearing the occasional red, a pale pink, and a nice pinkish purple colour. I'm loving them!

(There should be a picture but I can't upload it at the moment -_- so I shall update with picture as soon as possible!)
(Edit: Picture has been added. As you probably noticed!)

The Little Ghost

3 January 2013

Happy (Late) New Year!


Hope you're all having a happy and healthy 2013!

I'm afraid I won't be posting much for the next couple of weeks as from next week I have exams and there has recently been a loss in the family. I'll update you again after my exams are finished.
Thank you for bearing with me!

The Little Ghost