10 November 2012



I just wanted to write a quick post to introduce the blog a little bit.
I'll probably be writing mostly about makeup (including nail art), food and crafts. Although at times I will probably drift to clothes, shoes and other things too. I guess it just depends on what sort of a mood I'm in.
I have a little bit of what some may call an addiction to nail polish (as in I love painting my nails). I own an awful lot of the stuff! I also love shoes, but then, what girl doesn't? I think little handmade things and crafty things are just wonderful and I do enjoy getting my hands dirty once in a while with a bit of DIY.

I suppose I should probably briefly explain the name of my blog seeing as 'The Little Ghost Blog' doesn't exactly relate to any of the topics I just mentioned. Without going into long (and probably boring) details, my boyfriend calls me his little ghost and this is my blog so I thought it would be nice to name it 'The Little Ghost Blog'.

My aim is really just to write a simple, down to earth blog that anyone can enjoy. I don't want to blog about lots of fancy expensive things much. I find bloggers who always talk about expensive designer things tend to alienate me a little and I can't relate to them at all.

I hope you enjoy my little blog filled with thoughts and ramblings!
Suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome.

The Little Ghost


  1. Hey, I'm new to the blogging scene too! I look forward to seeing your blog grow :)
    Lil xxx

    1. Hi, sorry I took so long to reply.
      Thank you very much :) I'll be sure to take a look at your blog. Hmm, I'm not sure if I have a follow me button, I've just added the 'Followers' gadget below the 'About Me' one, I'm not sure if that's the same thing though.
      Little Ghost x

  2. Also, not sure if you have a follow me button or I'm just being an idiot and can't see it? xx


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